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Are you confusing what products you should buy for your baby? Check out buy newborn baby supplies Malaysia. There has a variety of products suitable for your baby and the mummy.  

Besides, eating well-balanced meals is crucial at any time, but it’s more critical when you’re pregnant. Several nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are required by your baby’s developing body. While most meals are safe to consume while pregnant, there are a few things you should avoid.


Raw meat: Because of the risk of coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella contamination, uncooked shellfish and rare or undercooked meat or chicken should be avoided during pregnancy. At home, the temperature should be at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit for entire cuts, 160 degrees Fahrenheit for ground meats such as hamburgers, and 165 degrees Fahrenheit for chicken breasts.

Deli meat: Listeria, a bacteria that can cause miscarriage, has been found in deli meats. Listeria has the ability to penetrate the placenta and affect the newborn, causing infection or blood poisoning, which might be fatal. If you’re pregnant and want to consume deli meat, make sure you reheat it until it’s boiling hot.

Fish with Mercury: Avoid eating fish that have a lot of mercury in them. Mercury poisoning has been related to developmental delays and brain damage in children. Sharks, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish are examples of these species of fish. Although canned chunk light tuna contains less mercury than conventional tuna, it should still be consumed in moderation. Safe Catch Tuna is recommended by the American Pregnancy Association because its testing method ensures that each can of tuna is as pure as wild salmon or wild sardines.

Smoked seafood: Refrigerated smoked seafood, such as lox, nova style, kippered, or jerky, should be avoided due to the risk of listeria contamination. (These are okay to consume if they are part of a prepared meal, such as a casserole.) This type of fish may usually be found in the deli department of your local supermarket. Smoked seafood that has been canned or kept on the shelf is usually safe to eat.


Fish exposed to industrial pollutants: Avoid eating fish that have been exposed to high amounts of polychlorinated biphenyls in contaminated lakes and rivers. This is largely for lake and stream anglers in the area. Bluefish, striped bass, salmon, pike, trout, and walleye are among these fish. To find out which fish are safe to eat in your area, contact your local health department or the Environmental Protection Agency. Remember, this only applies to fish taken in local waters, not fish purchased at your local supermarket.

Raw Shellfish: Undercooked shellfish, such as oysters, clams, and mussels, are responsible for the majority of seafood-borne illnesses. Cooking can help prevent some diseases, but it won’t protect you against the algae-related ailments that are linked to red tides. Raw shellfish is unsafe for anyone, and it should be avoided entirely during pregnancy.

Raw eggs: Because of the risk of salmonella infection, raw eggs and dishes containing raw eggs should be avoided. Raw eggs are used in some Caesar salads, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custards, and Hollandaise sauces. If the recipe is cooked at some stage, the risk of salmonella infection is reduced. Pasteurized eggs are used in commercially manufactured ice cream, sauces, and eggnog, and they do not enhance the danger of salmonella. Sorry, but if the raw cookie dough contains raw eggs, you should probably avoid it as well. Pasteurized eggs should be used in any recipe that calls for raw eggs, such as Hollandaise sauce or salad dressings.

Soft cheeses: Listeria bacteria may be present in imported soft cheeses. Soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Feta, Gorgonzola, and Mexican-style cheeses like Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco should be avoided unless they are clearly labelled as being manufactured from pasteurised milk. It is okay to eat all soft non-imported cheeses manufactured with pasteurised milk.


Fresh-squeezed juice: Pasteurized juice is recommended for pregnant women. Freshly squeezed juice sold in restaurants, juice bars, and farm stands may not have been pasteurised to protect against hazardous pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. In certain markets, raw, unpasteurized juice is sold in the refrigerated section; look for the required warning notice and avoid it. On the supermarket shelf, juice in boxes and bottles is likewise safe.

Caffeine: Although most research demonstrates that caffeine consumption in moderation is safe, others show that caffeine consumption is linked to miscarriages. To lessen the chances of a miscarriage, avoid caffeine during the first trimester. Caffeine intake should be kept to less than 200 mg per day during pregnancy as a general rule. This is the same as a 12 oz cup of coffee. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it aids in the removal of fluids from the body. Remember that caffeine is likely to present in your favourite beverage, chocolate, or energy drink.


This can lead to a loss of calcium and water. It is critical to consume enough water, juice, and milk instead of caffeinated beverages. Large quantities of caffeine have been linked to miscarriage, early birth, low birth weight, and withdrawal symptoms in newborns, according to some studies. The safest option is to avoid caffeine altogether.

Alcohol: Because no amount of alcohol is known to be safe during pregnancy, drinking should be avoided. Prenatal alcohol exposure can have a negative impact on the baby’s development. Alcohol drinking during pregnancy can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or other developmental abnormalities, depending on the amount, time, and pattern of use.

Stop drinking immediately if you drank before you found out you were pregnant. During breastfeeding, you should continue to avoid alcohol. Alcohol can be detrimental to an infant if they are exposed to it, and alcohol can reach the baby through breastfeeding.

Unwashed vegetables: Vegetables are healthy and essential to a well-balanced diet. To avoid contracting toxoplasmosis, make sure they’re thoroughly cleaned. The soil where the veggies were produced could be contaminated with toxoplasmosis.


Raw sprout: Raw sprouts, such as alfalfa, clover, and radish, should not be consumed. Bacteria can enter the seeds before the sprouts appear, and these germs are extremely impossible to remove. Make sure your deli sandwiches don’t have any raw sprouts on them. To kill bacteria, properly cook sprouts at home.